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  • Sku: 9789918240067
  • Vendor: Eduline - Books

Ejja Nsajru Poeżija - Trevor Zahra

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Versi, logħob bil-kliem u aktar …

Niftħu l-ktieb tal-fantasija,
Inqallu s-sitt vokali,
Litru konsonanti likwidi,
U nħallu kollox jagħli.

Niskata ta’ tixbiha,
Il-meraq ta’ tbissima,
U ngħarrqu dit-taħlita
Ġo stokk ta’ ritmu w rima.

Nerħulha l-borma ttektek
Fis-skiet u l-kenn tal-kċina
Biex toqgħod kwieta toħlom
Il-ħolma t’ikla bnina.

Imbagħad meta d-dar kollha
Bil-fwieħa tkun mimlija,
Inqassmu fuq il-mejda
Il-platti tat-tnedija.

Kulħadd madwarna jersaq biex jippranza
U aħna nservu kollox stanza stanza.

Ejja Nsajru Poeżija jinkludi wkoll is-sezzjoni “Dawwarli poeżija” fejn il-poeżiji jieħdu l-ħajja (aċċess tramite kodiċi QR fuq aġġeġġ elettroniku b’konnessjoni għall-internet), liema animazzjonijiet huma parti minn proġett tal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu.


All orders received by noon are delivered within 48 hours (excluding Sundays and Public Holidays).

Orders from Gozo received from Monday to Thursday before noon will be delivered within 48 hours (excluding Public Holidays).

Orders received on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be delivered the following Monday / Tuesday.

DELIVERY FEE of €6 on all orders to Malta and Gozo under €50


Orders received by the 21st of December will be delivered on the 22nd/23rd. Orders received on the 23rd and after will be delivered on the 28th of December.


Personalised Rubber Stamp orders DO NOT qualify for next day delivery, for more info see the Personalised Rubber Stamp product description

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Ejja Nsajru Poeżija - Trevor Zahra


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