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  • Sku: 9789990919264
  • Vendor: Eduline - Books

Alice Fl-Art Tal-Ghegubijiet

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Hekk tibda l-istorja ta’ Alice fl-Art tal-Għeġubijiet. Minn hawn tinfetaħ dinja fantastika mimlija ħolm u avventuri bla qies. Din hi l-istorja straordinarja ta’ Lewis Carroll li ġibed warajh lit-tfal u lill-kbar li baqgħu tfal. Iżda din id-darba l-istorja hija ssimplifikata b’ħafna għajnuniet, logħob u attivitajiet li permezz tagħhom iż-żgħar jistgħu jifhmu l-istorja aħjar. Dan huwa l-ktieb li t-tfal kollha għandhom jaqraw … qabel ma jkun tard wisq!


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Orders received by the 21st of December will be delivered on the 22nd/23rd. Orders received on the 23rd and after will be delivered on the 28th of December.


Personalised Rubber Stamp orders DO NOT qualify for next day delivery, for more info see the Personalised Rubber Stamp product description

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Alice Fl-Art Tal-Ghegubijiet


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