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  • Sku: 9789995733490
  • Vendor: Eduline

Ikel Bnin Ghall-Kontroll Tal-Kolesterol

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Product description

Hu diffiċli li ssajjar mingħajr xaħam; wara kollox dan xorta hu meħtieġ fid-dieta tagħna.  Importanti ħafna, iżda, li nikkontrollaw il-konsum tax-xaħam, speċjalment ta’ dak li ġej mill-annimali bħal bejken, butir u xaħam misjub fil-laħam fost oħrajn.  Ix-xaħmijiet żejda jikkawżaw bosta problem fis-saħħa fosthom mard tal-qalb.  Jekk tixtieq tikkontrolla l-kolesterol minħabba kundizzjoni li tbati minnha jew għal skop ta’ prevenzjoni, dan hu l-ktieb ideali għalik.  Fih, jien u Dr Mario Caruana, noffrulek tagħrif bażiku dwar tipi differenti ta’ xaħam li jista’ jaffettwa l-kolesterol fid-demm.  Qabel tibda ssajjar, tajjeb li tiffamiljarizza ruħek sew mat-tipi ta’ xaħmijiet li jeżistu.  Kull riċetta, għalkemm hi għal 4 persuni, toffri analiżi tal-konsum totali ta’ xaħam minn kull persuna.


All orders received by noon are delivered within 48 hours (excluding Sundays and Public Holidays).

Orders from Gozo received from Monday to Thursday before noon will be delivered within 48 hours (excluding Public Holidays).

Orders received on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be delivered the following Monday / Tuesday.

DELIVERY FEE of €6 on all orders to Malta and Gozo under €50


Orders received by the 21st of December will be delivered on the 22nd/23rd. Orders received on the 23rd and after will be delivered on the 28th of December.


Personalised Rubber Stamp orders DO NOT qualify for next day delivery, for more info see the Personalised Rubber Stamp product description

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Ikel Bnin Ghall-Kontroll Tal-Kolesterol


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